Saturday, February 1, 2014

Dorm Desk Decor

Hey guys! 

I have been messing with decorating my desk a lot lately- mostly because it gets cluttered and unorganized almost every day. I really think my desk is more of a place for me to display my favorite things. 
Jocelyn drew this for me for Christmas. It's probably my favorite thing ever. She also made that bracelet for me with my favorite colors. The necklace was an amazing find from H&M. It was on sale for $3! It was originally going to be used for my Halloween costume (Beetlejuice) but I ended up skipping the dress up and just making cookies and getting food with Jocelyn.

When I was bored between classes last week, I made this border with some sticky notes and ribbon that I had laying around. I plan to re-do it the correct way with better colors later on, but for now it stays. I made this via this DIY found on Rookie Mag. Check it out!

I suppose I could put up actual to-do notes on this board, but I'd like to cite John Waters as inspiration for this collection of random things:

This Steve Zissou card from Etsy that I got for my 18th birthday.

A David Lynch coaster from one of my high school teachers.

A valentine with Special Agent Dale Cooper.

A playbill from when I saw The Addams Family on broadway.

A fish taco sticker- from back at home in VB.

A Beach House sticker from AFK Books.

A postcard for this awesome shop in D.C. that I visited with my sister last week.

Also, cat ears from Claire's (which come in handy for themed parties/events at school).
It's obvious that I am obsessed with Twin Peaks.

I probably brought too many books/cds with me to school, but having them with me made me feel like I was at home. Franny and Zooey is my absolute favorite. Also, I scored that Radiohead album on campus from a traveling vendor. 

Bananas are my favorite food- and anything banana flavored or made with bananas comes second. I usually pick up a few throughout the week with extra meal swipes, so it's not unusual for there to be bananas on my desk. The cat mug was a recent purchase from Goodwill. Jocelyn and I picked up three- one for each of us and one for our other roommate Madison. I can't wait to drink lots of hot chocolate and dandelion tea in there (and also probably use it to hold my ramen when I'm too lazy to wash a bowl).
So that's my desk. I had to semi-organize it for this photo shoot, which got me into organizing mode for the rest of my dorm. Also, I really want some ramen.

See you later!

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